BREE Peterson

Great article I found about Social Identify Theft and Bullying being the goal of many Copycat Stalkers…

As I’ve mentioned before, my main stalker, Randy Forcellina AKA “Island”, desperately wants to be me. He has taken everything about my past and attributed it to him. He has literally tried to swap our entire lives and histories. He literally has tried to infiltrate my family and try to brainwash them into making him part of the family. He read people’s minds and figured out what they love about me and what they hate about him and literally tries to swap our lives and identities. He is a copycat stalker. It’s so, so creepy. By the way, if you want to see an actual picture of my stalker, click here (links to He looks like shit. He’s a 43-year old con artist with graying hair. He’s very good at manipulating people into believing that he is someone or something that he is not.

Anyway, I found an amazing article on Flying Monkeys Denied (great website!) that describes him perfectly. I’m just going to post it in it’s entirety here because it’s so good and everything in the article relates to my stalker.

Link to article:…

Pathological envy and malignant narcissism (a bad combo that my stalker has!)

My main stalker/abuser, Randy “Island” Forcellina, has pathological envy and malignant narcissism. He engages in smear campaigns and slanders me to anyone that will listen. I’ve posted a lot about this many times before. He has even created fake conversations in my name. He now gives people a fake name when he meets them, so that they don’t find out who he really is. If you’re ever contacted by someone and told lies and slander about me, it’s Randy Forcellina or one of his flying monkeys that contacted you and is trying to brainwash you against me. Ignore him and don’t engage with him.

Anyway, I found this post on with two great replies.

A pathological envious malignant Narcissist will ALWAYS have the villain……this person will be painted black, and become enemy number one everybody must be against them. The villain does not necessarily have to have done anything.

Just be the next target, there will always be a “villain” at all costs, the extremity of warzone is unbelievable. The smear campaign is horrendous. 1 glitch from the “villain” is met with an onslaught of verbal abuse, violent accusations…..

Much like the normal behaviors of a Narcissist but blend pathological envy in with a person who is already suffering with insecurities and envy. You’ll get a person who MUST at all times survive with a victim, who in their mind is the villain, there will ALWAYS be a villain, a new one constantly. Unlike the partner NPD, the pathologically envious malignant Narcissist has a constant create villain daily, weekly, necessity anybody is a selection.

All narcissist are envious. Some act out in rage while smearing the person they are envious of behind their back. A malignant narcissist may engage in trying to destroy the person they are envious of. They will engage in lying, smearing, and sabotage.

Narcissists in general are envious of anyone who has more than they do. Anyone who makes more money, has a better job, is more educated, is better looking etc.

Let’s say you work with a narcissist and you are both up for a job promotion. You get the promotion. The narcissist reacts to his or her jealousy and envy by smearing you behind your back. He or she begins telling people at work you are not qualified for the position. The only reason you were promoted is you slept with the right people. The smear campaign may or may not end with diminishing your qualifications. The narcissist may go on to sabotage you at work doing anything it takes to make you look bad. This may continue making it impossible for you to work in this type of invironment.

Narcissists also engage in smear campaigns if you leave them. The narcissist will try to turn your own children against you. Some will go so far as to use the court system to abuse you.

Went to look at houses yesterday!!! (good news)

We (my Dad and I) had a really good day yesterday!!! We went to look at houses! We found 2 really good homes and hopefully I will move into one of them with my cats soon!!! 😀🐥🐈‍⬛♥️

Threatened on reddit, staying at motel in Rohnert Park and more updates

Someone recently threatened me on on my other reddit account. Click here to see the reddit comment thread. The original comment was deleted and also the post where they threatened me was removed by reddit. They said “see what happens this week” and again dead named me. Most likely, it is someone that has been lied to by Tim Johnson or Randy, and brainwashed into believing lies and slander about me.

I would go to police about the recent threat made against me, but they don’t seem to want to do anything about what’s been going on. They are protecting the criminals. Them, along with the FBI, have never taken this case seriously. This is why another law enforcement agency needs to get involved.

Almost all of the people in their “group” have decided not to go along with their plans to abuse and murder me, but there are still a handful of people in the group that are continuing to go along with it. Randy, Tim and a few others continue to contact new people and spread lies and slander about me and recruit new people to participate in the abuse and murder of me (using directed energy weapons). Still, I feel good and optimistic about my situation moving forward because things are a lot better than they were and seem to be getting better.

I am staying at a motel in Rohnert Park temporarily, until my Dad buys me a forever home for me and my cats. I feel mostly safe here. I’m lonely, though, and miss living with my Dad and cats, Starshine and Sydney. Hopefully, within a month, I’ll be in my home and feel more comfortable/safe. I miss my cats dearly.

That’s pretty much all that’s been going on the past week. I’ve just been hanging out in my motel room, waiting for my Dad to buy me my forever home so I can see my cats, Starshine and Sydney, again.

Screenshots from reddit:

My psychopathic stalkers and abusers are still in Santa Rosa – Police and authorities need to take my claims seriously before it is too late

My stalkers and abusers, Randy Forcellina AKA Island, Tim Johnson, Matt Kreuter and others are still spreading slander about me and showing everyone around the community (Santa Rosa, CA) fake conversations or conversations that they claim are from me. They come up with the most disgusting, perverted slander. They essentially have a mind control cult and are trying to brainwash my Dad (not my biological father but he took me in over 6.5 years ago) into abandoning me so that they can infiltrate his life and steal his money or get things from him. I hope my Dad doesn’t actually let them into his life. It would be the worst decision of his life.

Randy has been stalking me, abusing me, slandering me, and using directed energy weapons to torture and slowly murder me for almost 20 years.

I have Autism, PTSD and other mental health issues and they see me as an easy target to victimize and ultimately murder. They send people down a brainwashing rabbit hole and create the sickest, weirdest keywords/phrases and crazy, perverted stories about me.

For the record, I am a post-op transgender woman. I had gender reassignment surgery on 8/8/18, the happiest day of my life. I have a vagina. I do not have a penis or testicles. I do not produce testosterone. Also, I am a virgin and Asexual. They tell people that I’m a man and a pedophile, but it’s actually the opposite. My driver’s license says Bree Peterson (Female), my Social Security card says Bree Peterson and I’m registered as a female with the Social Security Administration. My passport ID still has my old name but it has been changed to Female. My birth certificate from NY has been changed to Bree Peterson, Female.

They live in NY and in Randy’s case, Nashville TN now. They come out here every once in a while to stalk, harass, slander and attempt to murder me, while brainwashing my family that I have been a part of for 6.5 years. They attempt to brainwash the entire community and city of Santa Rosa into believing the most outrageous, perverted slander about me.

Sonoma Sheriff, Santa Rosa Police, FBI etc. need to finally take my claims seriously and investigate them and bring them to justice, before it is too late. They are a danger to me and the community. They need to go back to where they came from and leave me alone.

I moved to California 7 years ago to escape their sick abuse, torture and attempts to murder me. They usually come out here for a few weeks at a time then leave for a while then come back. They convince neighbors and people around me to let them stay with them and give them access to the directed energy weapons in exchange for whatever they want.

Police and authorities still haven’t taken my claims seriously. Maybe if it was their daughter or child being murdered, instead of me, they would take these claims seriously. These sick, transphobic psychopaths are getting more and more aggressive with their efforts to slander, stalk, torture, abuse, and murder me. They just continue to brainwash more and more people with their technology.

Again, they are a danger to me and the community of Santa Rosa and beyond. They need to be, at the bare minimum, in prison for life. They are psychopaths who have what is called the “Dark Triad” personality in psychology terms. Some people speculate that psychopaths with these personality disorders are responsible for all of the suffering and destruction in the world.

Again, I am begging authorities to please take my claims seriously, investigate them, and quietly bring them to justice, for the protection of myself and the community.

I’m the only Bree Peterson and I still don’t have witness protection, nor are my claims taken seriously by authorities yet

My stalkers claim that there is more than one Bree and come up with the most ridiculous slander and lies about me, in order to recruit people to participate in the abuse and murder of me, using directed energy weapons. Anyone who participates in the abuse and murder of me or becomes part of their sick group is either 1) falsely promised money or other things to go along with their plans. 2) brainwashed into believing the ridiculous slander about me or 3) a sadistic psychopath that enjoys abusing an innocent transgender woman.

My Dad (Brian) is threatening to leave me homeless if I continue speaking out…

My Dad (Brian) doesn’t like that I am vocal about my abuse. He has threatened to make me homeless in Santa Rosa if I continue to post on my blog. This is my only outlet to express what’s going on in my world. I go through a tremendous amount of abuse every day. This is my therapeutic outlet to help me deal with and cope with the abuse, hoping that someone will discover what’s going on and make them stop. My Dad has threatened to make me homeless if I kept speaking out and told me to take my blog down if it was “for my own good”. I am autistic and unable to work. He knows that I depend on him. He has been emotionally abusing me for the past month.

Brian Peterson (my Dad) is threatening to leave me homeless if I continue speaking out…

Brian Peterson doesn’t like that I am vocal about my abuse. He has threatened to make me homeless in Santa Rosa if I continue to post on my blog. This is my only outlet to express what’s going on in my world. I go through a tremendous amount of abuse every day. This is my therapeutic outlet to help me deal with and cope with the abuse, hoping that someone will discover what’s going on and make them stop. My Dad, Brian T. Peterson, has threatened to make me homeless if I kept speaking out and told me to take my blog down if it was “for my own good”. I am unable to work and he is threatening to make me homeless and vulnerable. He knows that I depend on him. He has been emotionally abusing me for the past month. He is not himself anymore.

Brian Peterson (my Dad) is threatening to leave me homeless if I continue speaking out…

Brian Peterson doesn’t like that I am vocal about my abuse. He has threatened to make me homeless in Santa Rosa if I continue to post on my blog. This is my only outlet to express what’s going on in my world. I go through a tremendous amount of abuse every day. This is my therapeutic outlet to help me deal with and cope with the abuse, hoping that someone will discover what’s going on and make them stop. My Dad, Brian T. Peterson, has threatened to make me homeless if I kept speaking out and told me to take my blog down if it was “for my own good”. I am unable to work and he is threatening to make me homeless and vulnerable. He knows that I depend on him. He has been emotionally abusing me for the past month. He is not himself anymore.

My Dad, Randy and the following people are involved in a plot to murder me…

Santa Rosa Police Department, Sonoma County Sheriff and the FBI need to investigate and bring the following people to justice: Brian (my Dad), Randall Forcellina AKA IslandSarahThomasMatthew KreuterTim JohnsonJan GreenbaumBill BrytusAngela and others that they have convinced to assist in their plot to murder me.

Randy Forcellina has convinced my Dad (Brian) and the rest of our family to participate in the abuse and murder of me. My Dad has been emotionally and verbally abusing me for the past month. At various times in the past, my Dad has abused me in many different ways and is now involved in a plot to participate in and assist in the murder of me. Randy Forcellina manipulated him and others into going along with his plot to murder me.

Earlier this year, my Dad threatened to murder me one night while we were in bed (we used to sleep in the same bed) and pulled out a knife and put it against my throat and said he was going to murder me that night and lie to the police and blame me for what would transpire. I was always sweet to him and loved him more than anything and we had an extremely close relationship and lived together for the past 6 and a half years. I was the closest one to him in his life and we did everything together, but Randy Forcellina told him lies about me and manipulated him into abusing me and to murder me and that he would be happier if I was dead. We got into a fight as I fought for my life and it ended with my Dad being stabbed in the neck and being rushed to the hospital. I got charged with a criminal offense as a result.

My Dad recently has become more abusive toward me. I am his Autistic daughter. I depend on him to pay half of the rent of the room that I rent in a townhome for $1050 a month and still visit his home to see my cats. He wants me dead and has made it very clear to me. He manipulates me by going back and forth between pretending he loves and abusing and threatening my life. All I want is for the authorities to investigate and bring them to justice before it is too late.

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