Author: Bree

Pathological envy and malignant narcissism (a bad combo that my stalker has!)

My main stalker/abuser, Randy “Island” Forcellina, has pathological envy and malignant narcissism. He engages in smear campaigns and slanders me to anyone that will listen. I’ve posted a lot about this many times before. He has even created fake conversations in my name. He now gives people a fake name when he meets them, so […]

Went to look at houses yesterday!!! (good news)

We (my Dad and I) had a really good day yesterday!!! We went to look at houses! We found 2 really good homes and hopefully I will move into one of them with my cats soon!!! 😀🐥🐈‍⬛♥️

Threatened on reddit, staying at motel in Rohnert Park and more updates

Someone recently threatened me on on my other reddit account. Click here to see the reddit comment thread. The original comment was deleted and also the post where they threatened me was removed by reddit. They said “see what happens this week” and again dead named me. Most likely, it is someone that has been […]

My psychopathic stalkers and abusers are still in Santa Rosa – Police and authorities need to take my claims seriously before it is too late

My stalkers and abusers, Randy Forcellina AKA Island, Tim Johnson, Matt Kreuter and others are still spreading slander about me and showing everyone around the community (Santa Rosa, CA) fake conversations or conversations that they claim are from me. They come up with the most disgusting, perverted slander. They essentially have a mind control cult […]

My stalker, Randall Forcellina is planning on murdering me soon. I am scared for my life. The authorities need to investigate him immediately and bring him to justice before it is too late.

Recently, I heard through an acquaintance of mine that my stalker, Randy Forcellina AKA “Island”, traveled from Nashville, Tennessee to Santa Rosa, California to murder me. He arrived here about a week ago. He did what he normally does, which is make up slander and lies about me and convince my neighbors to let him […]

Mentally abused and slandered at motel again

My main stalker/abuser, Randy aka Island, has people in the motel room next to mine (I’m at the motel 6 south in Santa Rosa in room 105 and they have people in 104 now) and they keep making loud noises and repeating the same keywords/phrases that he tells them to and repeating the same slander […]

Herd Mentality in Gang Stalking

Almost all of my stalkers/abusers are of low intelligence and gullible and they stick together. They defend each other, no matter what, despite knowing deep down what they’re doing is wrong. A lot of it is due to herd mentality (Wikipedia page on herd mentality), groupthink (Wikipedia page on Groupthink) and deindividuation (Wikipedia page on […]

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