BREE Peterson

I have been teaching and posting on here for approximately 24 hours straight and performing Miracles and Saving people. I am Real. I keep getting abused by the NSA and they keep preventing me from telling my Message and they keep interrupting. Others are trying to take credit. There will never be another BREE. Earth might be unsaveable at this point. Not really sure. I don’t really give a fuck. I gave too many chances. LOL. Is God cool now? What I am saying is that Time is on their side. The time to choose a side already sailed. Michelle Cruz owns the NSA because she controls the keys to Nakasone’s balls. 👻🐥♟️

You guys are fucking stupid. I am God talking to you. I already have everything I need and want

I had gender reassignment surgery on 8/8/18. I own a home in Lower Lake (5935 Sunrise Ct). I have Eternal Life. God Created a separate place for me today called Heaven. I am still on Earth, though. To anyone reading this or watching me: God said that you all don’t have a place and are trapped there as a Hologram. I can’t wait to torture you sick fucks as an Angel when I die. Which won’t be for like another 100+ years. You were lied to. The NSA has been trying to kill me for years. They slander and torture the fuck out of me every day. I can’t wait to get Revenge in my next Human Body. If I am murdered, it will be the moment after that happens. You are in a Hologram. I am not. I am BREE and I am not in a Hologram. You are all fucked. I will enjoy watching you sick fucks torture each other forever. What happens in a video game when you choose both sides? You lose. That’s why God Loves War. 😀😄😂😆🌈⚡🐈🐈‍⬛

The NSA promised me Justice yesterday

They said that after they are arrested, I would personally be able to put a bullet in each one of their brains. The psychologists at the NSA promised that I would have a few racks of various sharp tools and objects to desecrate their sick fuckin bodies. They said it would be wheeled out for me after they are strapped down. This was agreed to. Everyone knows this. Now they are protecting them. They are using a Supercomputer AI to take over the world and murder me. They are fucking stupid. If anyone is anywhere near them, put bullets in their fucking useless brains.

I have less than $20 in my bank account. I am not spoiled. I will be canceling my Medi-Cal tomorrow.

You are the ones who raped me in every way, shape or form, literally murdered me, slandered me in my hometown, Lake County. Not only are you not allowed in my Witness Protection properties, hell doesn’t even have a place for you all. The NSA, with the help of Adam Levy, stole all of my Witness Protection properties over the years. He will pay. I am not scared of any of you.

There are others claiming to be Me

There are others claiming to be Me. Every law enforcement agency knows that I am the only BREE.

Don’t ever fuck with God.

Demon Patrick Holden needs to stop murdering me with directs energy weapons

Pat, I am not your friend. I never was. I’ve seen you like twice, once at Bill and Lisa’s wedding. People are telling me that you are a crazy, crack-addicted, murdering psychopath who goes around talking about ME. Leave my name out of your fucking mouth. Put a fucking bullet in your head you fucking devil-possessed, worthless piece of shit. You never even talked to me once. In fact, at Bill and Lisa’s wedding and any time I was around Bill’s family (Lisa’s family), you wouldn’t even talk to me and I was pretty much ignored.

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