BREE Peterson

My Dad came over and threatened to abandon me and leave me with no money on the streets and mentally abused me before storming out…

He threatened to leave all of his money to the Jehovah’s Witnesses and not leave me with any money. He also mentioned that not every child, me, Thomas and Sarah, are getting the same amount of inheritance. He basically said that I will be getting a considerable amount less than them. Back in 2021, he had a will that split everything 3 ways between only me, Thomas and Sarah, each with 33% of all of his assets, which would have probably been close to $8million each, for each of us, by the time he passes away. He is worth ~$7.5 million dollars, currently. Then he changed it to a trust fund and put Bernita and her children in at 25% and me and Sarah both continuing to live on the property. Then after the knife incident, he illegally kicked me out and hinted that he removed me from the trust fund. While still maintaining a relationship with me that continued to grow in love for each other. Behind my back, he was plotting my murder and to my face, he was mentally abusing me, psychologically abusing me, verbally abusing me, financially abusing me and, at times, physically abusing me and drugging me. I wish I recorded audio of today. Sarah gets a $60,000 a year “allowance”, up from $30,000 the previous year. He also pays for all of her bills, it’s her groceries, takes her on expensive trips, wines and dines her every night (yes, they have been drinking together every night for a couple of years, aside from when she was pregnant, which I think is highly inappropriate by the way and I have expressed it). Before she moved onto my Dad’s property, she would not come over much but whenever she would come over, she would wear extremely short shorts and dress extremely “loosely” and vape nicotine all night, which was allegedly mixed with Methamphetamine and I came out of my room one time and looked around the corner of the hallway because I was suspicious of certain noises and it was mostly quiet and well I peeked around the corner after they quickly moved back to their seats I saw it looked like she was pulling up her pants or… lifting them very high or something like that and I went back into my room… Anyway, sorry to ramble but I get no allowance. In fact, my Dad makes me pay over $400/month in “rent money” which he gives to Sarah every month… I’ve sent him over $5,000 over the past few years… He said he was putting it aside for me in case of an emergency, I asked him for that money one day in January or December and he started yelling and said that I can either have that money or have my inheritance, I said I need both and he said no, you need to choose, I chose my inheritance which might not even exist anymore, this man has done everything in his power to covertly abuse me, torture me, play with my emotions, emotionally abuse me, mentally abuse me, manipulate me, lie to me, call me crazy and everything else so that I was under his control, this man needs a serious intervention but we already tried that, he is so far gone it’s sad, he has purposely dead-named me at times when Randy is in town and he sides with him, he does whatever Randy wants because Randy controls him, even more so that Sarah.


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